The Beauty of Letting Go
I was asked to share at a MOPS group this week but things have changed. I want to share this message with you “The Beauty of Letting Go”.
We are in the midst of a crazy time in our history. We need to practice “social distancing”, line up to go into the grocery store, wear face masks, and use bottles of hand sanitizer. Our stores are running out of the craziest things from cleaning supplies, toilet paper, flour, pasta, yeast, and the list goes on. Schools have been closed and now learning is taking place in the home and online. People are out of work and unemployment has skyrocketed. Zoom has been lifesaver to still have some sort of connection with the outside world. We are separated from family members and friends. But in all this God knew this would happen and He is in control.
In September, my girls and I flew down to Florida where I would not only attend MOMcon for the very first time but also visit my family. Surprise! Hurricane Dorian came where it caused so much devastation in the Bahamas. My oldest then asked me something deep “Mama, God knows everything and is in control.”
“Yes” I answered.
“Well, God knew the storm was coming, so why did the Bahamas get hit so hard and we didn’t get anything? Is He sending the storm to punish people?”
I then told her:
“Isabelle do remember the day that Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden? That day not only separated us from God, but the land was cursed too. I want to make something clear God does not send storms, illnesses, or anything bad to punish people. Only things that are good come from God.”
Now that doesn’t mean we won’t have anything bad happen to us. We will have trials and hard times. Let’s say you pray for patience; do you think God will give you the gift of patience or will he give a time for you to practice patience?
As humans we like to be in control. We want to control our life, decisions, and circumstances. But in this time, we can’t control anything. We don’t know for sure the exact time frame this virus will be over and when life can “go back to normal”.
So, what can we do now? We can Surrender. Surrender is not an act of weakness, but an act of courage stepping out in faith for God to step in our lives more and more. It’s going to Him in prayer! It’s not saying whatever I give up; it’s taking what’s on our hearts and praying to God saying please help I can’t do this, but I know you can. It’s giving our chains to Him because we are free because of Jesus!
Right now, I am doing the Restore Collective with a few members from my MOPS group and this week it discusses that:
“Powerlessness is not helplessness. Helplessness means that we cannot do anything; we are victims of our circumstances. Powerlessness is the opposite; it is freedom. Powerlessness is our admittance that only God can do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. When we admit our limitations, we can also lay down our heavy burdens. We can admit: we are human; we are limited; we make mistakes; we can be wounded; we need the help of God and others. We can stop trying to control and using the people, things, activities, goals, ideas around us to keep up the illusion of control. Admitting powerlessness is a crucial step in change.”
In Matthew 5:1-12 Jesus is preaching the Sermon on the Mount. One of the first Beatitudes Jesus says “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Reflecting about ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit’ got me thinking you’re blessed when all you have is to hope in God. When we have come to the end of ourselves, our pride, and our self-sufficiency has failed, we arrive at a place of defeat. When all I can do is throw up my hands and say, “I surrender. God, I need you,” this is the beginning of real hope and the beginning of God’s transformation in my life.
I want to encourage you that yes things are crazy, but we can still continue to Live Life TO THE FULL! It’s easy to get upset and to live in fear but remember that God is in control and Jesus is our Good Shepherd. Remember to Have More Fun, Fear Less, and Find Our People.
For more on what’s on my heart