
Not having a Pinterest Christmas

I don’t know about you, but this year I am doing Christmas differently.  I want to be more focused on the reason we celebrate, and it’s not Pinterest.

I am done trying to do the Pinterest Christmas.

I don't know about you, but this year I am doing Christmas differently, I'm not doing a Pinterest Christmas.

Yes, I will try to watch the Hallmark Christmas movies, until I can’t stand it…ok so that ended the beginning of December.  As we prepare the 2017 Christmas season this year, these are the things in my head that I still have to work on-

  • I have my school work to do…looking forward to a break soon. (I keep telling myself this is the last Christmas I have my schoolwork.)
  • Isabelle has her school work

Besides school issues, I want to stress less on Christmas and actually enjoy it.  During the colder seasons here, Victor is home more with us, and I want to enjoy the time with him and as a family.  I want to remember the real reason for this season-when God stepped foot on Earth.

Yes, the inside of the house is decorated, and I have donated things we haven’t used in the past few years.  The girls and I have sorted through their playthings to decide what to keep and what to donate.

So what I have done differently?  It comes down to time, money, and family.

Time-I want to actually enjoy the time with my family, so I am not getting all crazy with scheduling different things or completing different crafts-if we can do it..great..if not..no worries.

Last night I planned on surprising Victor at work, but I was too late, he called just when I got the kids in the car…So I figured I could finally take the girls to see Christmas lights around the area before the snow came.  This random trip was so well worth it–I went through different neighborhoods, as we drove the girls and I ate cookies and listened to Christmas music.  When we came back home, Victor was home, and so we all went out and saw a Christmas light show at someone’s house-it was awesome!  Afterward, we warmed up in the car with the heater and hot chocolate I brought in a Thermos.

Money-as we are one income, things are tight.  The month’s of November and December we spend more on food and then there are gifts.  This year we did Christmas cards for the first time, and I bake German Christmas cookies for the family to enjoy throughout the month (again, I am not stressing on making a bunch of cookies-I bought stöllen and few other German Christmas cookies from Aldi).  Check out my German Vanilla Almond Crescent Cookies

Family-My sister stayed with us for Thanksgiving and Black Friday it was a great time being all together.  On Black Friday we bought gingerbread house kits, and we let the kids have fun decorating. I know..as a chef I didn’t make it from scratch…and it was all good..the girls enjoyed the time together, and so did we.

What next…don’t let things take over and make you forget the reason for the season when God sent His Son to us.  Enjoy the here and now and don’t be focused on the Why’s, How’s, and What If’s.  I want to be more like Mary by treasuring this time in my heart.

Merry Christmas

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One Comment

  1. You brought tears to me eyes. I know that you don’t have a lot of time, but I wish you would write more. I love reading your stuff.

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