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God knows our dreams

I want to share something with you – God knows our future, plans, and dreams before we even do. 

In the middle of August, after I wrote my last blog post, I stepped down as a Community Coach for MOPS International. I did this because MOPS International was changing the structure around and I couldn’t fit into someone else’s schedule. I loved coaching and connecting with other MOPS moms and leaders, but I did it when I could.

At this point, I was still all in to co-lead my MOPS group. I needed my community, especially with the separation that we had since March. For planning out our new year, there was a whole new set of rules and guidelines. We surveyed our moms back in June/July asking them if they would attend the meeting virtually, No; would they attend if there was no childcare,N0; they would only attend if we had childcare available. When I was trying to get things figured out, all I heard in the background was the fighting between my girls who are now eight and five. I felt the pressure mounting of how our group was to meet safely combined with what was occurring in my home. I threw my hands in the air and said, “God I can’t do this anymore!” and felt a weight slowly lift off of me and my home settled down. I have to tell you I was angry, sad, mournful, and relieved at the same time because I love MOPS so much.
It honestly took me a couple of month to recoup after the changes with MOPS.  And now, for me it came full circle because at the start of December I was at a MOPS group (one I used to coach) and taught cookie decorating. God knows our future, plans, and dreams. I love what I am doing now and it was because I was obedient to Him to say ok my time is up now.
Community- I can not stress how important it is to have a community and fellowship with one another.  In November, I joined the Women’s Business League where we are able to meet and connect with each other.  I am so excited about the upcoming events and projects for 2021!
Homeschooling-this year has been so much fun with my girls.  For the month of December, we completed a Christmas Hygge Unit and throughout the winter we will complete a couple of other unit studies along with our regular curriculum.
I want to share with you that my word for 2020 was “Breathe”– I shared this on Instagram on January 1, 2020.  This was the caption “I was given a bracelet for Christmas by my mentor who is like an adopted mom to me up here and it became the inspiration for my word this year. Sometimes, life can feel suffocating with confusion, conflicts, loneliness, stress, darkness, and noise. Taking time to breathe and connecting with Him is all I need and that He alone is Enough.  It’s easy to flip out and stress out, fall into the comparison trap or even pick up my chains when my chains are gone thanks to Christ.”  With all the new changes that I had in 2020 not only due to COVID I am so thankful that took time to Breathe and let Him work in me.  It was hard to give up something I loved, but now I am focusing more of my time on my family (including my sister, brother-in-law, and a new little niece!) and creating cookies by night.
Let me know in the comments what new changes you have had in your life.

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  1. I am so very proud of you; knowing when it is time tomove forward and when it is time to back away. Wish I ha words enough to express that pride, but I do love you so much, too!

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